Our third EUCS Annual General Meeting, will take place at: 2pm, Sunday 3rd November at the Merchiston Tennis & Bowling Club, on Polwarth Terrace, EH11 1NA.
PLEASE DO come along to hear more about our activities throughout the past year, and our developing plans for the future. We’ll have our third ‘annual report’ to hand out; and there will be brief presentations from some of the current Office-Bearers.
And if you’re interested in coming onto the EUCS Committee for 2025, then do let us know – we have several spaces to fill!
The actual AGM should only last 45-minutes or so – AND the bar will be open throughout and up until 4pm, if you want to stay for a chat after the formal business!
But if that doesn’t persuade you to make it in-person, then the meeting will also be available to view online, via TEAMS – see here:
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 381 881 623 401
Passcode: j7F268
We do hope you can make it along – we promise the meeting will be interesting 🙂